holidays is heaven

my soccer teams aka old gang: surf, JJ, Aku, Loon, PWB. long time nvr touch a soccer ball le. late nites, wake up late, non-stop gaming, part-time job, pool, sprayed T-shirt, window shopping, dai-dee, all tis r wat i have been after exam. mayb u can call it non-productive. bt at least allow me 2 b non-productive 4 tis last 3 week of holidays. cos after it will b a long study semester coupled wif long working hrs. bt tts fine wif me, rather idle e time away.
i din realli blog 4 quite sum time?! wel probably bcos my life not so happenin lately, been livin more on a routine basis. doin e same stuffs again n again. n after livin 4 19 ineffective yrs, i finalli found out e true meaning of my full name le, LTHD= Lupcheon the Hot Dog, diao. kao 1 eastern 1 western, how 2 mix seh. thx 2 sum1 of course. haha juz across a stupid phrase, bt it mite provide motivation 4 sum of u out there: nobody is perfect, im a nobody, tat make me perfect.
Louis Tan Hard Disk
Unknown, at 7:53 AM
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